Privacy Policy

Who we are

This is the website for the BMC managed Don Whillans Memorial Hut, Rock Hall. Our web address is:


When booking a stay at the DWMH we collect the data shown in the booking form. This data is only used to administer and notify (by email) you and the hut booking secretary of the booking details. The data is never shared with any third party.

Who we share your data with

Your name and BMC membership number is shared with the BMC administrative systems when making a booking validate your membership and eligibility for booking a stay at the DWMH. Data is not shared with any other third party.

How long we retain your data

Details of bookings are retained to administer your booking.

What rights you have over your data

If you have made a booking in the past, once your booking has expired and provided no hut fees or damages are outstanding, you may request that we erase the booking record. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.